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LFO Singer Dies

LFO Singer Dies:It was a sad day in the world  of pop media, as news spread by Rich Cronin, lead singer and composer LFO once ubiquitous 1999 pop hit “Summer Girls”, died after a long battle with leukemia. He was only 35 years old and left behind the pop songs that are loaded sadly underrated, unfortunately claims the band’s name (the letters stood for “Lyte Funky principles) and the songs are too clever for their biggest hit (” New Kids on the Block had a lot of hits Chinese food makes me sick. “)
Born and raised outside of Boston, Cronin LFO formed late 90′s with his friends, Brad Fischetti and Devin Lima. His debut was immediate and decisive “Summer Girls” hit (he won the 3 on the Billboard Hot 100) and moves to 2 million copies. In addition, he scored the hit “Girl on TV”, which was about Jennifer Love Hewitt
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